Meet the Mother Who Looks So Young that People Think She is Her 19-Year-Old Daughter’s Sister

Usually, when people grow older, the age tells on their faces as wrinkles begin to appear on their foreheads and their facial outlines begin to change and get duller. However, for some people, aging seems to be slowed because year after year, they appear to look the same, not getting older.

Joleen Diaz is one of such women who never seem to grow older.

Joleen is a 43-year-old American woman from California but you can never tell her age just by looking at her. The woman who has a daughter Meilani looks so young that she often gets mistaken for her daughter’s sibling.

Talking about this, Joleen who is an elementary school teacher, explains that she has no problem with people thinking she is her daughter’s sister especially because this has been happening for so long that she is now used to it.

Explaining why she looks so young, Joleen said she takes care of her skin religiously and this has paid off very well.

Joleen is quite popular on Instagram where she has thousands of followers and she never stops exciting them by posting photos of herself and her daughter posing together.

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