Ignorance Is The Biggest Cause Of Rise Of Corona Virus Infections. #COVID19


Any one of us could be carrying the coronavirus. By going out for coffee or meeting up with friends, we might unwittingly be infecting people who, a few short weeks from now, will find themselves in a hospital bed, gasping for air.

The collective consequences of the actions we take at the moment are even more momentous. If we fail to flatten the curve if the coronavirus continues to spread at such great speed that the number of patients requiring medical care overwhelms the capacity of our healthcare systems.

And yet, a lot of people around the world are simply refusing to change their behavior. They go to get a haircut, head to the beach, or organize house parties. In some cases, this irresponsibility even amounts to flouting explicit orders.

Why are so many people finding it so difficult to act in accordance with the minimal demands morality makes of them in this extraordinary emergency?

The first has to do with simple ignorance. For those of us who have spent the past weeks obsessing about every last headline regarding the evolution of the crisis, it can be easy to forget that many of our fellow citizens simply don’t follow the news with the same regularity or that they tune into radio shows and television networks that have, shamefully, been downplaying the extent of the public-health emergency. People crowding into restaurants or hanging out in big groups, then, may simply fail to realize the severity of the pandemic. Their sin is honest ignorance.

So yes, it might feel perfectly normal to flout the call for social distancing every now and then. But by following your instincts rather than your reason, you are putting yourself, your friends, and your neighbors at risk. And that is simply unforgivable.

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