Paul Walker’s Brothers To Act In Upcoming “Fast & Furious” Films

It’s been almost five years since the passing of Paul Walker and his two brothers are very much open to keeping his character alive in the Fast and Furious franchise.
When Paul passed away after a car crash in 2013, his brothers filled in for the scenes Paul had yet to film for  Furious 7 by having his face digitally superimposed onto his brother’s bodies.

“I just hope we get to — I don’t know — have a little cameo and bring Paul back to save the day and I get to help create that again,” Caleb said of upcoming movies in the F&F universe.  “That’s my dream and I hope we get to do that in one of the future movies.”
Cody added: “I think there could potentially be a way to do it.
But it would take a lot of thought and it’d have to be tasteful…He was the real deal, the real car guy. And in his absence, I — you know — I think it’s lost its way in a big way.”
The brothers admit that they haven’t watched the film since it’s April 2015 premiere. “It’s kind of creepy sometimes when you’re like, ‘Oh, that’s me.’ It doesn’t feel right,” Caleb explained. “I think one day, when our kids are little older and we are able to share that experience with them and be like, ‘Hey look, this is your uncle Paul.
He was the greatest guy in the world and here we are being able to portray him and finish up this movie for him.’ That’s when I think it will really hit that I think it was really worth it and special and all that. But in the meantime, it’s still a little conflicted.”
The upcoming film in the franchise will be the Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham spin-off set to be released next year.

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