Lagos-Kebbi rice partnership and food security is here

It is no longer in contention that Nigeria is going through economic recession, evidenced by many states’ inability to manage their statutory responsibilities. Yet, no nation can thrive without the development of her agricultural sector. This is a sector of the economy that has the capacity to provide employment for over 80% of the population, if given the deserved attention. Universally, the relevant of food to man’s sustenance cannot be over emphasized.
Thus, in the world, nations that are considered as truly great and developed, give earnest consideration to agriculture. In the United Kingdom, for instance, food is the least of their concerns, as a result of the practice of mechanized farming. Hence, farmers are well respected and well to do in that clime. Here, in Nigeria, it is, however, sad that farmers are frustrated and short-changed largely because of pitiable access roads, poor transportation system and above all lack storage facilities. Thus, over the years, the practice of agriculture has been dealt a fatal blow. The result is over reliance on food importation which subsequently depletes our foreign reserves.
Between 2005 and 2015, Nigeria monthly import bill rose from N148b to N917b. sadly, most of the imported food items can be produced in Nigeria. The crash of crude oil price coupled with activities of militants has exposed the helplessness of the nation as a monolithic import dependent economy. Unlike in the 60s and early 70s when agriculture supported about 55% of the nation’s economy, same sector currently contribute 19% to the economy. With oil not able to sustain the economy anymore, renewed interest is expected to be on agriculture, which for decades our then buoyant economy.

In an urban center like Lagos, the story is almost saddening as large expanse of land that used to provide food employment for both young and old, gradually gave way to housing estates, filling stations, hotels among others. In the early 70s, Lagos used to boast of agricultural settlement such as Dairy farm, Agege and many others in Ikorodu, Epe and Badagry. They were established to provide healthy food and employment for people. With a growing population of over 20million, Lagos residents consume about 50% of food supply in the country. Characteristically, rice is the staple food for most homes in Lagos and, indeed, Nigeria. Therefore, rice importation is rampant in the country as billions of naira is spent annually on it. Sadly, local rice production suffers huge negligence. Local rice producers are not encouraged and as such there is dwindling production.
In a renewed bid to ensure food security/ sustainable development, the Lagos state government has entered into partnership with Kebbi state government with the intent of boosting rice production. In light of steady increase in Lagos state population without a corresponding increase in food production, the partnership is, indeed, a welcome development. Lagos has the population, the purchasing power, processing plant as well as manpower to translate whatever amount of rice that is produced from Kebbi state to finished consumable of international standard.


One cannot but recognize and appreciate the efforts of the Lagos state government in rice production at Itoikin, Igbogun around Lekki Local Council Development Area couple with the presence of the multi-million naira rice mill at Imota. However, outputs from these places are grossly inadequate in meeting local demands.
The Lagos-Kebbi rice partnership, in line with national call for economic diversity, is intended to bring about national food sufficiency, security as well as creation of employment and wealth distribution for the benefits of both states and the nation as a whole. It is a partnership that thrives on making pragmatic use of available resources of both states for the common good of citizenry. Kebbi, for instance, is endowed with vast arable land suitable for agricultural production in rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, groundnut etc while Lagos, on the other hand, has capacity to process whatever is produced at the rice mill located at Imota, in Ikorodu for both local consumption and export.

Lagos’ huge population provides a huge market for rice production. According to the state Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode, Lagos has the required market and the purchasing power to stimulate rice production in the country. Outside the food security and economic benefits of Lagos, Kebbi agricultural partnership, other benefits may include introduction of best agriculture practice to maximize yield, infrastructural renewal of agricultural settlements, improved transportation systems such as railway networks which has the capacity to move produce en-mass without undue interference. In expectation of mass production, interest of the states will be developed in capacity to preserve thus avoid waste. Other benefits of the Lagos- Kebbi rice partnership are its capacity to renew investors’ interest in agro-based industries, boost for agric related cooperative societies, among others. The height of insecurity in the nation calls for more concerted effort by all tires of governments in the country to urgently device new methods of tackling the twain issues of food security and unemployment in the country. Youth unemployment, if not immediately addressed could be a time bomb for the country.
It is, therefore, anticipated that more states in the country will follow the laudable Lagos-Kebbi path in order to promote food sufficiency and economic development in our nation.
As our nation is confronted with enormous economic challenges, the time to pay adequate attention to the agriculture sector is now as it offers unlimited opportunities for accelerated economic and industrial growth across the land. To continue to neglect such a vital sector will cast doubt on our seriousness as a people.

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